Whitehaven Harbour Development
Commercial vessel activity in the harbour had ceased in 1992 with the exception of a few fishing vessels. An initiative was put together..
Commercial vessel activity in the harbour had ceased in 1992 with the exception of a few fishing vessels. An initiative was put together..
The Port of Vlore was to be located in a natural deepwater harbour. A container hub terminal and free zone industrial site were proposed..
The Client was required to transport all excavated material out of Central London by river as part of its planning consent. The..
A new coal fired power plant was planned at Meghavaram in northern Andhra Pradesh, 10 km south of Bhavanapadu port, for import of coal..
Residents on the five inhabited islands of the Isles of Scilly rely on boats as their main form of transport. Higher Town Quay on St..
The Gujarat Government wanted to develop a ferry service network around the Gulf of Cambay with the intention of bringing the residents..
A swampy, low lying area just downstream of Port Harcourt in Nigeria was chosen as the site for a new cement unloading terminal with a..
The island of Alderney relies on its commercial quay at Braye Harbour as the only point of access for passengers, cargo and oil..
In 2013 we inspected the Ro-Ro linkspan at Berth 4 in the Port of Sheerness and identified a number of major defects. We then carried out..