PIANC’s UK section is hosting the PIANC MMX Congress in Liverpool from 10-14 May. This, the 32nd PIANC Congress, is being held on..
Peel Ports have commissioned Beckett Rankine to design refurbishment works for the four sliding caisson gates to the two tidal locks..
Sellafield Ltd’s Energize newsletter (see clipping above) reports on the successful beach landing trials which took place in December..
Beckett Rankine have been appointed in conjunction with EnviroCentre to carry out an appraisal of the historic harbour of Dunbar. Options..
2 February 2010 – India Infrastructure Forum
Commonwealth Business Council has organised this forum to showcase a high level delegation..
Gordon Rankine and his family joined our Indian office staff for New Year’s celebrations; here Jessica Rankine and Shefali Shah enjoy..
Beckett Rankine have been commissioned to prepare a 20 year masterplan for the development of a marine supply base in the Niger Delta..
Seven Beckett Rankine designed ‘Dockmaster’ pontoons have been installed in Falmouth as a berth for 60m long Hunt class minesweepers. The..